palestine reading list

i've spent a large chunk of my time over the last few months reading about palestine and trying to get my own head around the ongoing genocide there. it's an immense privilege to have the time to just sit and read, especially when the information that's easiest to find is so biased in favor of imperial interests, and while talking with friends irl about it, i wished i had a way to drop some of the articles that i found most helpful and illuminating into their hands. so i decided to make a reading list.

in the interest of making this as accessible as possible, i've included the word count of each article, and the links shoullllllld hopefully remove any paywalls. this is a personal list; it isn't comprehensive or striving for any kind of neutrality or perfect objectivity. all of these articles are working from a lefty, anti-colonialist, pro-human rights perspective. i'll keep updating this page, and hopefully someday soon i'll be able to update it with good news about a free palestine.

last updated 5/15/24

There Was an Iron Wall in Gaza

Seth Ackerman, Jacobin

12,172 words

Have We Learned Nothing?

David Klion, n+1

2,155 words

Palestinian Suffering is Never as Urgent as the Counterfactual

Samar Kalaf, Defector

1,408 words

South Africa's ICJ Case Against Israel Is a Call to Break Free From the Imperial West

Tony Karon, The Nation

2,092 words

No Side to Fall In

Mary Turfah, The Baffler

3,492 words

Israel is Losing This War

Daniel Levy and Tony Karon, The Nation

3,643 words

A Loud and Hungry Darkness

Samar Batrawi, Guernica

3,083 words

How Britain Destroyed the Palestinian Homeland

Ramzy Baroud, Al Jazeera


The Nakba did not start or end in 1948

Al Jazeera

2,294 words

Can You Tell Us Why This Is Happening?

Testimonies from Gaza, n+1

4,013 words

I Joined Gaza's Trail of Tears And Displacement

Hind Khoudary, The Intercept

1,671 words

The Wisdom of Edward Said Has Never Been More Relevant

Ulf Andersen, Current Affairs

3,008 words

A Bosnian genocide survivor on Israel's siege on Gaza

Ismat Mangla, Analyst News

3,478 words

At the Threshold of Humanity

Karim Kattan, The Baffler

1,758 words

A Tradition of Defiance

Hadeel Assali, Siddhartha Deb, Jaskiran Dhillon, Nadine Fattaleh, Bruce Robbins, and Andrew Ross; n+1

6,388 words

The world would rather show solidarity with our corpses than our resistance

Fathi Nemer, Mondoweiss

1,137 words

Turning the Tables

John Kazior, The Drift

5,263 words

Tectonic Shifts

Dylan Saba, The Baffler

3,830 words

Israel's Western Allies Have Done Everything Possible to Criminalize Nonviolent Resistance

Daniel Finn, Jacobin

1,376 words

What Every American Should Know About Gaza

Nathan J. Robinson, Current Affairs

7,743 words

Rubble from Bone

Tom Stevenson, London Review of Books

4,097 words

The Shoah After Gaza

Pankaj Mishra, London Review of Books

7,445 words

Letters from Gaza

Various writers, In These Times

2,645 words

Toward an Intellectual History of Genocide in Gaza

Esmat Elhalaby, The Baffler

4,104 words

Why Does Biden Keep Making the Same Dangerous Comment About Jews?

Sophie Hurwitz, The Nation

1,909 words

The Missing News About Gaza

Alexei Sisulu Abrahams, The Nation

1,071 words

Crimes Against Language

Sarah Aziza, The Baffler

3,817 words

It's Clearer Than Ever: Israel's War Has Failed Catastrophically

Mohammad Alsaafin, The Nation

1,315 words

Documenting Six Months of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

Lee Mordechai, Jacobin

4,340 words; an abridged version of Bearing Witness to the Israel-Gaza War

'Come out, you animals': how the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital happened

Tareq S. Hajjaj, Mondoweiss

1,627 words

Palestine Reading List

Curated by Dilettante Army

Palestine is Free (If You Want It)

Reading list curated by The New Inquiry

How to Make a Paper Kite

Sahar Tavakoli, The Stopgap

Photographs of Life in Palestine (ca. 1896-1919)

Hunter Dukes and Adam Green, Public Domain Review

928 words